Welcome To Our Hearts Our Heroes. Call 800-814-9419 Or Email info@ourheartsourheroes.us

Ending Veteran Homelessness One Spirit At A Time.

Who We Are & How We Get It Done.

Founded in 2019 by Karen Blackmon, Our Hearts Our Heroes is a North Carolina based for profit that provides a variety of services to United States veterans of all branches.

At Our Hearts Our Heroes, we work diligently to provide a warm, inviting atmosphere so veterans can feel appreciated and loved.

Staff members of Our Hearts Our Heroes strive to help veterans to get back on their feet or improve their situations by assisting them with obtaining affordable housing and good jobs.



Even though The United States Department of Veterans Affairs works hard to provide services for veterans, well-documented media accounts illustrate that many veterans face countless hardships, including homelessness, mental illness, food insecurity, alcoholism, and addiction. For that reason, Our Hearts Our Heroes is determined to play a critical role in helping veterans throughout North Carolina and, eventually, in other east coast states as well.


Our Hearts Our Heroes supports veterans of all generations in the midst of ongoing crisis.

We support veterans and their families by identifying and resolving their immediate needs.

We are dedicated to advocating and promoting wellness throughout our organization’s mission to serve and support our veterans.


“To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan.”

ABRAHAM LINCOLNsixteenth president of the united states

Heroes Served

Our Hearts Our Heroes has served hundreds of veterans by providing housing, food, and referrals through community partnerships.

Going Deeper

Our Hearts Our Heroes is committed to doing well by doing good:

We Need Your Help, Donate Today.

Thousands of people like you help us support our veterans when they need it the most.

We rely on your donations to carry out our mission to keep our veterans housed, fed, and mentally and physically healthy.

Will you give today?

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